Myths of Mudjacking

at a client site
What Material Is Really Used?
Although some leveling companies say that they have the best and the strongest material, the fact is most materials used in mudjacking are basically the same. Mixes are made up of a component that allows grout to easily pump through a 1 ½ inch hose without separating the water from the material. It is essential that the water stays bonded with the material so that it creates a grout that can be easily pumped. Beware of contractors who say that they have strongest material! The actual grout that lifts the slab does not require the same amount of pounds per square inch (PSI) as a 4000lb mixture of concrete does. Concrete compounds, such as cement, added to the mix as a method to harden it could increase the risk of cracking the slab in the winter due to frost heaving. The harder the material, the more likely the material would not move with the concrete as the frost heaves the slab up and down. This could likely cause the slabs on top of the harder material to crack easier.
Watch For Boastful Contractors Regarding Their Experience
Watch out for contractors who say they have a certain amount of experience in the leveling field. Most contractors will say that they have experience with leveling when in reality they only have experience in general construction. The only way to determine how long they have been working in the concrete industry is to look at the company’s license or the company DBA. That shows when the contractor first began working in the industry. Experience is extremely important in this industry because the longer a person has been actually working in it, the more likely he or she is able to prevent problems from occurring such as cracking in slabs, raising a slab too high, basement walls being pushed in, and pool walls caving in. To prevent these problems from occurring, ask the actual mudjackers how long they have been working as levelers.

Mudjacking Should Never Be Performed In The Winter
Mudjacking should NEVER be performed in the winter time or when there is frost in the ground. This is a seasonal technique and should only be performed when all the frost is out of the ground. During the colder months, frost causes the ground to expand and contract. This could cause the concrete slabs on top of the ground to move up and down. If leveling is performed on concrete slabs when they are pushed up by the frost, the slabs could remain out of their original position when the frost leaves. This may lead to the slabs being replaced. Wait until spring to call for estimates because that is the best time to obtain a proper assessment of the uneven concrete.